Performer: Ansambel Žlindra & Kalamari
Song title: Narodnozabavni Rock
Song writer(s): Leon Oblak
Song composer(s): Marino Legovič
Naj bo, naj bo, naj bo sprememba scene,
naj vse, naj vse, naj vse obnori ta zvok,
naj gre skozi vene,
v srce naj zadene
narodnozabavni rock
Polka je kraljica na slovenskih tleh,
poskrbi za ples, za vriskanje in smeh.
Rock je kralj zabave, oster, a iskren,
vroč kot poletje, barvast kakor jesen.
A le ena kaplja domišljije
in se polka v trše ritme zlije.
Naj bo, naj bo, naj bo premik v glavi,
naj bo, naj bo, naj bo kot pozitiven šok,
občutek je pravi,
vse naj preplavi
narodnozabavni rock.
Te domače viže vzbujajo zanos,
domovinski čut, ljubezen in ponos.
Rock pa energijo preko strun kitar
čez deželo širi, kakor požar.
A le čisto malo fantazije
in se rock med ritem polke skrije.
Naj bo, naj bo, naj bo sprememba scene,
naj vse, naj vse, naj vse obnori ta zvok,
naj gre skozi vene,
v srce naj zadene
narodnozabavni rock.
Naj bo, naj bo, naj bo premik v glavi,
naj bo, naj bo, naj bo kot pozitiven šok,
občutek je pravi,
vse naj preplavi
narodnozabavni rock.
Naj bo, naj bo, naj bo sprememba scene,
naj vse, naj vse, naj vse obnori ta zvok,
naj gre skozi vene,
v srce naj zadene
narodnozabavni rock.
A dal szövege angolul:
Popular Folk Rock
Let, let there be a change in the scene
Let, let all be taken by this sound, pure and keen
Let it flow through our veins
Let it free our hearts from the chains
Popular Folk Rock
Polka is the Slovene Music Queen
It makes people dance, laugh and sing.
Rock is the King of Fun, uncompromising and true,
Hot as summer, colourful as the autumn leaves
But only a tiny speckle of fantasy is all we need
To make polka rock with harsher rhythms indeed
Let, let there be a shift in our minds
Let, let it be like a positive shock
The feeling is right and good
Let us be taken by this mood
Popular Folk Rock
Home melodies evoke ecstasy,
Patriotic feelings, love and pride.
Rock spreads energy through guitar strings
It engulfs the country like a wild fire
But only a tiny speckle of fantasy is all we need
And rock melts with polka rhythms very well indeed.
Let, let there be a change in the scene
Let, let all be taken by this sound, pure and keen
Let it flow through our veins
Let it free our hearts from the chains
Popular Folk Rock
Let, let there be a shift in our minds
Let, let it be like a positive shock
The feeling is right and good
Let us be taken by this mood
Popular Folk Rock